Brown Bazooka

Medicated Pete’s Date with Dynah

You asked for it (nobody asked for it) and you got it. Here’s Medicated Pete’s excruciating date with Dynah, the girl in the wheelchair. It’s all from the Howard Stern Show.


Medicated Pete’s Miserable, Tear-Inducing Date

Poor Medicated Pete! The guy was sniffling on the Howard Stern Show this morning after Dyna, the girl in the wheelchair that Medicated Pete had said he was in love with, rejected him following their first and only date. Get the recap here…

Medicated Pete practices his technique with Reby Sky.

Medicated Pete practices his technique with Reby Sky.

The audio told the story. Or, the lack of audio told the story. It was a miserable failure and a sad audio spectacle. As Artie brought up, imagine hearing the audio from your crappiest dates.

They gave Medicated Pete a little practice with Reby Sky, but he still struggled. It’s kind of hard to talk to a girl that you’re attracted to when you’re a 34 year old virgin that’s never been on a date…and you have Tourette’s – believe me, I know. Best of luck to you Pete! You’re alright with me.

Curious about Tourette’s? Check out the National Tourette Syndrome Association…