Brown Bazooka

The Super G Market
October 24, 2009, 7:28 pm
Filed under: Marketing, North Carolina | Tags: , , , ,

In Greensboro, NC you’ll find the Super G Market located in FantaCity – a magical shopping center located at 4927 W. Market St. The Super G Market has a lot of strange products (strange to silly Americans like myself) shipped over from Japan, China and even Mexico!

Here is a sampling of the delight you’ll find at the Super G Market…

The black barley tea energy drink from Japan that makes you stand up out of your cube and say, "Hello Boss!"

The black barley tea energy drink from Japan that makes you stand up out of your cube and say, "Hello Boss!"

A large "Luxury Squid" that feels dry and not delicious.

A large "Luxury Squid" that feels dry and not delicious.

Mr. Squid - baked squid snacks in a convenient can.

Mr. Squid - baked squid snacks in a convenient can.

If you get bored with all the strange groceries at the Super G, then you can always venture to the back of the store where they’ve recently opened the Flea Market. When I was there, the flea market was fairly empty but I did buy a few records – George Carlin, The Cars, Heart, and the soundtrack for The Electric Horseman.

The shirt said "Army Girl" and I'm not sure what the hair said, but she sold me my records.

The shirt said "Army Girl" and I'm not sure what the hair said, but she sold me my records.

Great copy is the key to strong sales.

Great copy is the key to strong sales.

If you’re in the area, the Super G Market is worth dropping in on. There’s a bit of a fishy smell in the place that reminds me of the 6th grade when we dissected squid. Don’t let that shy you away.

I just have this craving for a pickled cucumber.

I just have this craving for a pickled cucumber.

The Super G Market is located in Greensboro, NC at 4927 W. Market St.